As you can see, I did not upload a web comic page today. I decided to take the day off from that and go to
King Richard's Faire in Carver Massachusetts. I will update the web comic this Wednesday.
King Richard's Faire is a Renaissance Fair that takes place in Carver, Massachusetts during the months of September and October. I remember going to this when I was little, and today I went with my mom.
We didn't bother to buy any food because all of the food and merchandise is all expensive. In fact, for recent years at the faire, the only way to purchase food is to buy food tickets and use them instead. That is ridiculous because if you want to buy something to eat, you might have some leftover tickets and you would have to buy more just to use them all up. The merchandise is at least very interesting to look at. They sell outfits, weapons, art, and more. There are also some games people can play like throwing knives, throwing axes, ninja stars, darts, and arrows.
Mostly I end up going to see the art and the numerous shows that are performed throughout the day. There are a few funny shows here and there. Some of them have some impressive tricks.
There was "Daniel, Duke of Danger" who managed to balance himself by the head on a doll, juggled with flaming torches, balanced on a latter while twirling six rings and balancing a spinning plate, and he managed to even drink from a mug he balanced on the back of his head while standing on his hands. He had plenty of funny jokes too.
There was also the "Torture Show" where the guy performed some very gross stunts and made use laugh with PG-13 humor.
There was also "Jacques ZeWhipper" who performed stunts with whips. He broke off the bottom of a soda can and even lit a whip on fire which managed to create a fireball when he whipped it. He also made some funny jokes while using a French accent.
There was even a knife throwing show.
There were these humorous wenches that had a funny performance.
There were also a few interesting animals like tigers, ponies, an owl, and more.
This fair is held each weekend until October 20th, so if you want to see any of this I suggest you check it out. I have heard of a Renaissance Fair in Connecticut that is cheaper, so I just have to remember to check it out.