Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Godzilla Aftermath

I went to the That's E's "Godzilla Double Feature" at the Elm Draught House last night, and I had a good time again. I actually bought a little bit from the concession stands this time around. They don't appear to have much to drink, but they actually have several different flavors of Smirnoff for sweet-flavored drinkers like myself. I also brought some Pocky. I didn't win anything from the raffle and I was surprised to see how many people left before the last few items were raffled. It really drew out a lot of time when they call numbers on tickets and no one has it.

This time we watched the 1975 "Terror of Mechagodzilla" and the 2001 "Godzilla, Mothra, and King Ghidorah: Giant Monsters All-Out Attack."

(This image was provided by stomptokyo.com.)

"Terror of Mechagodzilla" was the second movie to feature Mechagodzilla and the only one to feature Titanosaurus. As the movie begins, we get to see clips from the previous movie with Godzilla facing Mechagodzilla, where Godzilla appears to be facing only a copy of himself until the false flesh comes off and reveals the robot underneath. When I was a child, I thought the humans created Mechagodzilla to protect them from Godzilla, but it is actually made by aliens in order to destroy humans and Godzilla. I believe the only reason Titanosaurus was featured in this movie was to help keep Godzilla from tearing off Mechagodzilla's head like last time. Titanosaurus has a tail that can split into a fan that can produce powerful winds. That allows Mechagodzilla a chance to just shoot its multitude of projectile weapons at Godzilla. The humans help stop Titanosaurus so that Godzilla can defeat them both. As to the humans' plot, I could barely understand it and had no interest in it. This type of movie was made only for giant monster battles.

"Godzilla, Mothra, and King Ghidorah: Giant Monsters All-Out Attack" actually had Godzilla featured as the villian and the other monsters as good. They helped portray this with Godzilla's eyes as completely white. It makes Godzilla look completely devoid of any sympathetic emotions. They also made Godzilla's radioactive breath appear to be much more destructive in power. It's a little weird rooting for one monster to begin with and then rooting for the other monsters. I guess the producer didn't feel like keeping the consistency of one storyline.

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