Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Page 97 and 98 are Fully Colored

 Here are pages 97 and 98 of my web comic fully colored. I uploaded them to my website, but it maybe taking longer for them to come through for no apparent reason. As for this week's page, I uploaded an instructional video on how to play the card game Fluxx I created. I will discuss about that next time.

 Here's page 97. Here we see Zheph fall off his steam powered unicycle. It's safe to say that he would have to fix it at some point now, but before he can do anything, the knights have surrounded him. Zheph still hasn't even had a chance to pull out the arrow in his leg!

Here's page 98. Zheph manages to pull out another grenade to take care of these knights. This time it produces a stink smell, and since the knights are all wearing helmets, they can't cover their noses. What will Zheph do now?

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