Last week on Monday July 14th, it was my 28th birthday. It also just so happened, it was also the night of That's E's annual Godzilla Double Feature, so a few of my friends agreed to come along! We had an awesome time!
The two movies were Godzilla Vs Smog Monster and Godzilla Vs Destroyah. Both movies had similar premises where Godzilla was facing a devastating kaiju that starts off as many smaller creatures that combine into one giant form. In both movies the kaiju Godzilla was facing had certain abilities that threatened the world, and his adversary could fly. Man also helped out with the disastrous situation.
The first movie was funny considering the design of the monster, the way the Smog Monster killed people, the way the monsters moved, the animated clips, and certain other funny parts that this older movie had. Destroyah was much more intimidating, and in that movie it had a sad ending where Godzilla melts away from his own nuclear power. However, more people preferred the hilarious cheesiness of the first movie that was shown that night.