Tuesday, October 2, 2012

"Looper" and Page 25 in Color

I went to see the movie "Looper" tonight. I found it to be an interesting movie with some interesting concepts for the science fiction genre.

(This image is from imdb.com)

I was skeptical at first about this movie because the premise involves time travel. I know a lot of media have tackled that concept, but I know that if it is not done in a smart manner than the whole story flops. There would be too many questions about what would happen to someone if they met themselves from the future and if someone went back to the past to change history. Luckily this movie goes about it in a logical way. I have seen better science fiction movies, but this was at least entertaining. It was at least a good use of Joseph Leonard Gordon-Levitt and Bruce Willis.

Here is page 25 of my Zheph Skyre web comic. Zheph tries to talk his way out of an imminent fight, and what he says does make sense. Jahovac only seems to be angered by this.

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