Thursday, January 24, 2013

College Design Remade Digitally & CafePress

Here are two designs I made in a class I took at the University of Massachusetts in Dartmouth. They were entirely made with cut pieces of paper. The assignment was to take four colors on one square, cut them each into four squares, cut those pieces into four separate pieces each while maintaining the same repeating shapes, and arrange them into a particular pattern. We had to do this with two separate whole squares, but with separate designs and different colors. I decided to go with fiery colors for one while creating cool colors for the other. I was very pleased with the results.

Unfortunately I was not pleased with the quality of these two designs. I decided to scan them into the computer and remake them in Illustrator. I am now wondering if I should have these designs repeating eight more times
in order to create a larger pattern. I think I will try it and see how it comes out. If I am pleased with the results, I will post these two in my portfolio.

Also, I am currently putting together a CafePress Store instead of what I have right now for my web comic site. This would have many more options of what people can buy to have printed, and it would save me a lot of time, money, and shipping in order to keep a store up. This store will be available on my portfolio page and my web comic page. I won't be able to use all of the images I have on my portfolio page, as some of it is considered copyrighted. I am considered using every page of my web comic series as prints though.

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