Friday, March 1, 2013

Page 64 of Zheph Skyre

I have uploaded page 64 of Zheph Skyre the web comic. If people are wondering why the pages on Friday always seem complete while on Tuesday there seems to always be a few details missing, the reason is simple. If you noticed, the format changes a little, where my signature is either on the top or the bottom. The reason is that the pages on Tuesdays are going to be printed on the top while the pages on Fridays will be printed on the bottom of each page when I actually get the whole book printed out. It will be in the format of manga, except obviously with color. I'm hoping that eventually I will post the full size of the pages each week, but this format seems to at least provide something to see more often. I still need to improve this schedule and format, I know.

Here Zheph talks to Vanessa about why he hides his tail. He wonders if he is even really human. He is saddened that his useful creations are ignored. Vanessa's reaction seems to be an unexpected one though.

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