Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Drizzt Do'Urden

(This image is from fantasyfaceoff.proboards.com)

I love R.A. Salvatore's Drizzt Do'Urden book series. I have read nearly all of the 13 main books of the series, and the Sell Sword Saga which is after the series along with two other trilogies. It is part of the Forgotten Realms universe which is branched off from Dungeons and Dragons.

I really enjoy the numerous characters with such vivid personalities. I like the dark elf ranger who abandons his people's beliefs, Drizzt. There is the dwarf king he befriends, Bruenor Battlehammer. I like Bruenor's two adopted human children, Wulfgar the barbarian and Catti-brie the red headed, free thinking girl. I like Drizzt's trusted pet panther, Guenhwyvar. I even like the halfling Regis, who usually doesn't seem to be useful in most fights. There are even great villains likethe ruthless assassin Entreri, the dark elf Jarlaxle who leads the band of mercenaries Bregan D'aerthe, Crenshinibon the sentient crystal shard that desires control over everything, and Errtu the demon lord.

There are excellent battles described in these books against fierce-some foes. There are such complexities that occur between characters that continue to shape them.

This is a fantasy book series I highly recommend.

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