Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Page 47 In Black and White, Idea, & Store Updates

Here's page 47 of the Zheph Skyre web comic. Again, this has not been colored in due to the hectic holiday season and the fact that I had to finish the previous few pages late. I do not believe that this page should take too long to finish and color in, but hopefully I can get it done as soon as possible.

I was given an idea to make a Youtube video using the pages from my web comic. I can easily voice over for every single character and move the frames of the comic due to the specific action. It probably will take a while before I can get around to that, and I would have to make a video for one chapter at a time. Since there is only one chapter finished, I would only be able to create one video.

My store will have more items available for sale. There will be mugs, magnets, and note cards for sale with my artwork printed on them. I'm hoping to have a wider selection in my store with some cheaper items available. I can understand how most people don't wish to spend too much money at times.

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