Thursday, March 15, 2012

Art Genesis at the DZian Gallery & Mental Health

I had just received this flyer from a coworker today while I was working at the Worcester Art Museum. Two of her art pieces and one painting from another coworker are shown on this flyer. This flyer has been making me think about a few things as well.

I have visited both the DZian Gallery and the Genesis Club websites, and both of them appear to be quite interesting. I myself will try to inquire about both groups. Maybe I could have some of my own artwork shown.

The mental health awareness has made me think about my own life. I was diagnosed with autism, a type of social disorder, when I was very young. Luckily, my case was not too severe to render me of the choices I was able to make in life. My mother did a study on the subject and made a few TV appearances due to it. She received calls from all over the country asking her about this condition.

I recall from the recorded videos that the cause of autism and for several cases in the local area was that one of the two parents of the child diagnosed with autism, when they were children themselves, had hung out around this sun glasses factory that was polluting the water with its wastes. There are people even nowadays are ignorant to taking a stand against polluting the environment, but the number of children with autism have grown from twenty years ago!

I have heard of more and more people who are working with mentally disabled children. It is obvious that we are doing something wrong in the world! Pollution isn't only hurting the natural environment, it is affecting the people of the world! If we don't do something soon, we won't have a future to look forward to!

I do not regret having this condition, for even with it I have managed to make have great, healthy relationships with my family and friends. I am just concerned about the next generations... if there will even be a next generation...

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