Monday, February 27, 2012


I was just looking back at this funny Valentine's Day card I received from my parents. I noticed when I got it that on the back there was a website address to Brian Gordon's (the illustrator) weekly comic written called "Chuck and Beans". I find that odd to find a web-comic website advertised on the back of a Hallmark card, but today is a new day. I checked it out and it was mostly cute, short comics.

Most of the web-comics I have seen are primarily comedy based. They sometimes have action sequences or other events happening in them, but mostly they have the last box as the funny punchline. There are a few really good web-comics I read continuously.

VGCats stands for "Video Game Cats," and it is a hilarious web-comic that makes fun of video games. They tend to take a long time to post new comics, but whenever they do, my friends and I love it. There's a link in the corner of their website for a side comic called "Super Effective" that makes fun of Pokemon and remains in black and white. That also takes a while to update. This web-comic is probably of the best quality out of all I have seen.

Dr. McNinja is a web-comic about a ninja of Irish decent who has become doctor. I'm not sure how the illustrator came up with this idea for a character, but it is really funny. He is not the only strange character. He has family, friends, coworkers, and enemies that have weird quarks to them. This is a web-comic where anything and everything can happen: dinosaurs existing in the present time, lumberjack giants, a unicorn turned into a motorcycle, mummy curses, zombies, cyborgs, and even pirates!

Goblins is a web-comic that focuses on three different story lines in a world based on Dungeons and Dragons. One is a group of goblins that have taken up character classes in order to become stronger. Another focuses on one goblin from the same tribe who is always afraid because he was foretold that he would die horribly, and he ends up with some interesting powers and companions. The third storyline follows a human warrior and his dwarf companion after their raid of the goblin tribe had gone wrong. It is an interesting story that often questions what is really good or evil, what we can do about fate, and how far one should go in order to save a friend.

Cynide and Happiness has the most simplest style out of the web-comics I read, but it is still very funny. The figures are all stick figures and they are always on a blank, white background. The humor for this comic is always very dark and would never be seen printed for public viewing due to its questionable nature. Surprisingly, multiple people work on this web-comic and they manage to post a new comic very frequently. These people have even created some hilarious flash animations! You don't need to read this comic from the very beginning, you can read any entry.

Ctrl+Alt+Del is a web-comic based mainly on this one guy who is a very avid video game player. There are other characters that appear throughout the storyline, and they are all likeable. There are sometimes comic posts that are not continuing this specific storyline and are based in the world of a recent video game release, somewhat like VGCats.

I myself have tried to make a web-comic. I think my style might have been too complicated to produce each week, and it didn't gain any popularity because it wasn't in the same funny format as all other web-comics are in. I think I will make Zheph Skyre into a flash animation instead.

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